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There are many objects in the Loops that can be interacted with. These objects can be found throughout the game that serve different purposes and roles.



These are collectible objects found in each Act in the Loops that can unlock extra cards depending on how much is collected.They can be found anywhere in the Loops from simply being in plain sight, in areas of importance, in locked doors, and even in some secret passages. Sometimes, some forms are needed fruit in particular acts. A cosmetic change on fruits that can be activated by choosing the card "It's Pizza Time!" allows to turn the fruits into pizza slices instead.


Various mechanics can be seen in the game that all serve various purposes. These mechanics range from active singing, being carried to a specific spot, or simply being there to block a path.

List of Mechanics
Mechanic Description Image
Light Bit Lightens up the level when picked up
Voice Block A breakable block that comes in different sizes and can be broken by enough people singing at it. Amount of people required to break it is dependent on the level and amount of people in the run.
Musical Platform Otherwise known as Sing Platform, it doesn't have collision until sang on. If someone is singing at it, it acts like a platform, until the singing stops.
Voice Wheel / Sing Wheel Moves a door or platform when a player sings to it.
Curtain Provides safety from Naughty Eyes.
One-way Passage Allows a player to pass only in the direction of its arrow. Blocks them if they move against the wrong side.
Mechanical Grippers Travels along a set path when a player grabs its ladder. Returns to its original position when no player is on its ladder.
Light Bulb A type of key item that can be collected by players. It turns into an Inactive Plugged Light Bulb upon plugging it into Plug.
Plug A type of mechanic that serves as a slot for Light Bulb. It turns into an Inactive Plugged Light Bulb upon plugging a Light Bulb into it.
plugged Light Bulb A type of object that has 2 states: active and inactive. Active Plugged Light Bulbs electrify players upon collision, creating a link between players and Active Plugged Light Bulb. Connecting a Light Bulb to a Plug causes it to be a Plugged Light Bulb.
Flower Block A type or block that acts like platform on top, while leaving climbable stem connecting it to the Flower Block.
Karma Gift-box A type of collectible hidden in every level. It grants Karma to all players (including Lost Soul Bonus) upon collection.
Portal It serves as end-goal of stages in Act 1,2 and 3. Upon getting close, activates a safe-spot Halo, similar to those spawned by active Fire-pits.
Karma Tree It serves as end-goal for stages in Act 4. Unlike Portal, it doesn't grant safe-spot Halo or begin a countdown timer.

Character Mechanics

Some mechanics require a specific Form to interact with.

List of Character-Based Mechanics
Mechanic Description Image
Fire-pit / Torch Can be lit to act like a halo, illuminating the area around it and preventing players' halos from popping.
Wheel / Mousewheel Functions similarly to a button or voice wheel, and can be used only by certain forms.
Spider String Function similarly to a ladder.
Huggable Walls
Flower Block (Ground) Cannot be bumped from below. It can still be grown by a form with an appropriate ability.
Glass Block Can be destroyed by a form with an appropriate ability.

Door Mechanics

Doors are a common mechanic in the Loops that can be activated by a switch mechanism like a button or a voice wheel. Sometimes, there are some doors that contain locks to which a key is needed in order to go through the levels although in rare cases, a locked button can be found that can also be unlocked with a key. There are different types of paired keys and doors in the game.


(Names may be subject to change)

  • Door - Door that instantly opens when a button or voice wheel is activated and closes when not activated. In the case of single use buttons, it can cause the door to be open permanently.
  • Slow Opening Door - Door slowly opens when a button or voice wheel is activated, but slowly closes when not activated.
  • Regular - the basic yellow key that unlocks regular yellow key-locks.
  • Pink - A key with a pink square that unlocks pink key-locks. The shape of the lock matches the colored shape of the key.
  • Blue - A key with a blue pentagonal shape that unlocks blue key-locks. The shape of the lock matches the colored shape of the key.
Crystal Keys

There's another kind of keys in the form of crystals that can activate certain doors that require them. Most of the time, the crystal must be exposed to various matter before it can be used. These changes can be reversed by Alpaca's spit ability.

  • Regular - the basic light blue crystal that unlocks a regular crystal-lock.
  • Electrified Crystal - the yellow electrified crystal exposed to electrical current that unlocks yellow crystal-locks.
  • Goopy Crystal - the green acidified crystal exposed to acid drips that unlocks green crystal-locks.
  • Burning Crystal - the red burning crystal exposed to fire-pits/torches that unlocks red crystal-locks.



Block that serves as base for the level. Every tile player steps on is considered a Wall.


A type of platform that can be passed from below.

Breakable Block / Crumbling Blocks

Solid wall that crumbles few seconds after stepping on it. Can be also broken by Bell. Doesn't break under lightweight animals. Thin ones can be passed through easily while thick ones are blockable and require someone to step on top of it in order to be broken.

Breakable Platform / Crumbling Platform

A solid platform that crumbles a few seconds after stepping on it. These walls can be broken by Bell and doesn't break under lightweight forms.

Sticky Wall

A yellow 1x1 block that can be wall jumped on.

Eye Wall

Block used during some of Act 3 stages and most of Act 4 stages. Appear near the Naughty Eyes. Cannot be Secret Walls

Yellow Platform

A type of platform that can be passed from below.

Secret Wall

A passable wall that looks exactly like Wall tile. Used in most cases to hide secret paths to fruits/Karma Gifts.


These kinds of objects kill a player and often leave a tombstone behind after reviving. Umbrella and Turtle can use their abilities to protect themselves and and others to most of these kinds of traps.

  • Spikes - A type of trap that can replace floor blocks, wall blocks or ceiling blocks.
  • Trapped Floor - A type of trap that gets triggered upon stepping on it. Reveals a spike after a 1-second delay.
  • Timed Spikes - A type of trap that cycles between spikes and normal block at fixed period, dependent on stage.
  • Darts - A type of trap that moves in single direction after getting launched by Dart Spitter. These Dart Spitters appear on walls and fires at a fixed rate.
  • Acid - A pool of green acid. It can also include acid drips that fall from the ceiling and into the acid pool. Acid Drops may drip down on some acid pools that come from the ceiling (or floor in upside down levels).
  • Lasers - A type of trap that is used to block player's path between specific sections of levels. Players who die from lasers don't create tombstone.
Naughty Eyes

A special kind of trap revolving an eye that kills players under specific circumstances. Naughty Eye segments are indicated by a vase with a sleeping eye that awakens when one passes by it. This kind of trap typically doesn't leave a tombstone, but is said to require precise timing in order to produce one.

Red Light Green Light Naughty Eye

A type of Naughty Eye that does countdown from 3. Upon finishing, players can't move for specific time as it peeks, or they'll die.

Floor is Lava Naughty Eye

A type of Naughty Eye that does a countdown. Upon finishing, transforms all of the Eye Wall into lava for specific time, as it peeks. Unlike the other Eyes, this one resembles bars that fill up with each count.

Detector Naughty Eye

A type of Naughty Eye that rotates with it's field of vision. Players that find themselves in it's vision die.


Vehicles are larger structures made up of other objects with the purpose of helping you navigate a level. In order to qualify as a vehicle, a structure must:

  • a. Be able to move around the level.
  • b. Exist in multiple places/levels.

A prime example would be the cars featured in several Act IV stages that operate using Mouse Wheels.

  • Insert a table with these columns: Name, Description, Featured In, Image