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The Sherpas are magical translucent guides that can fly around, phase through walls, and possess supernatural abilities that can lead a team to victory. Sherpas are a direct upgrade to the Ghost and serve a supportive role in the team. Unlike Ghost, it can be unlocked and equipped during The Loop. It is unavailable in the Totem mode. Sherpas can be unlocked by completing their Constellations.


As Sherpas are an alternative version of Ghost, they can't activate buttons, sing, or collect fruits/Karma Gift-boxes. Unlike Ghost, a Sherpa loses its ability to Karma Kiss, replacing it with fireworks which can be used to point out specific objects in the level, like secret passageways.

Movement speed and halo size vary among Sherpas. Additionally, each Sherpa possesses a unique set of special abilities.

Unlike other forms, possessing Sherpa allows you to switch between unlocked Sherpas during the run.

List of Sherpas
Sherpa Description Jump Button Sing Button Ability Button
Panda Sherpa Sprite.png
(see Constellation)
Locked: A joyful Sherpa specialized in helpful slaps!

Unlocked: I can slap my friends upwards... and more!
Hold & release to point your finger. Leave a stop sign. Help a teammate with a slap!
Peacock Sherpa Sprite.png
(see Constellation)
Locked: A soft Sherpa that keeps an eye out for you.

Unlocked: My third eye can show or reveal the world... and more!
Hold to see far away. Drop a feather that marks and reveals a spot. Give a teammate your large eyesight.
Snail Sherpa Sprite.png
(see Constellation)
Locked: A big-hearted Sherpa with an affinity for time.

Unlocked: I can slow down time or enlarge your heart... and more!
Hold to slow down time. Multiply Karma exchanges. Give teammates unlimited Karma Kiss Power.
Tiger Sherpa Sprite.png
(see Constellation)
Locked: A gnarly Sherpa that coaches you with a bite.

Unlocked: I can bite foes for a while, or boost my team... and more!
Give your team boosting pep talk. Bite a danger in your jaws. Make a teammate dance to receive a boost.