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Cards are different perks you unlock between Acts of the Loop. They can contain a variety of different effects which can change up the gameplay and design of the Acts. Each card's effect lasts for one Act only.

Types of Cards

Green cards provide basic effects that provide a small boost to your team in most intances. A "Green 1" and a "Green 2" card are both guaranteed between each Act. "Green 1" also appear one round after the "Next Bonuses are quite Meh" card is selected.
Blue cards are the first tier of "earned" cards between Acts. A Blue card can be earned by collecting 1/3rd of the total fruits for that level.
Purple cards are the second tier of "earned" cards between Acts. A Purple card can be earned by collecting 2/3rds of the total fruits for that level.
Gold/Red Split
Gold/Red split cards are the third tier of "earned" cards between Acts. They can be obtained by collecting all the fruits in the level, and they always contain one positive effect with one negative effect. These cards also appear one round after the "Next Bonuses are very Woah" card is selected.
Special cards are the rarest cards and can be obtained by having a Clover on your team. The Secret Treasure Room card also uses this color scheme.
Penalty cards are obtained when picking the card "Next Bonuses are the Worst." These cards only bring negative effects.
Clover cards are boosted variants of cards that can only be obtained when there is a Clover on the team. If there is a Clover on your team, one random card will become Clover-boosted and give special effects.

List of Cards

Text Description Color/Type
1 Karma Heart Gives out 1 Karma Heart to all players (including "Lost Soul Bonus") Green 1
5 Karma Hearts Gives out 5 Karma Hearts to all players (including "Lost Soul Bonus") Green 1
10 Karma Hearts Gives out 10 Karma Hearts to all players (including "Lost Soul Bonus") Green 1
25 Karma Hearts Gives out 25 Karma Hearts to all players (including "Lost Soul Bonus") Green 1
50 Karma Hearts Gives out 50 Karma Hearts to all players (including "Lost Soul Bonus") Green 1
100 Karma Hearts Gives out 100 Karma Hearts to all players (including "Lost Soul Bonus") Clover
25% Less Fruit needed Reduces fruit needed to unlock cards by 25%. Green 1
50% Less Fruit needed Reduces fruit needed to unlock cards by 50%. Clover
75% Less Fruit needed Reduces fruit needed to unlock cards by 75%. Clover
All Walls are Sticky Players can climb/stick to walls and other obstacle blocks (excluding traps). Special
Big Halo Each player's Halo size is increased for the duration of the next level. Purple
Everybody is a Blob Penalty: Removes the secondary forms of all players for the duration of the next level. Red/Penalty
Everybody is a Cactus Turns every player into a Cactus for the duration of the next level. Blue
Everybody is a Cat Turns every player into a Cat for the duration of the next level. Blue
Everybody is a Clover Turns every player into a Clover for the duration of the next level. Clover
Everybody is a Flowerpot Turns every player into a Flowerpot for the duration of the next level. Blue
Everybody is a Music Box Turns every player into a Music Box for the duration of the next level. Blue
Everybody is a Spinning Top Turns every player into a Spinning Top for the duration of the next level. Blue
Everybody is a Squirrel Turns every player into a Squirrel for the duration of the next level. Blue
Everybody is a Whale Turns every player into a Whale for the duration of the next level. Blue
Everybody is a Wolf Turns every player into a Wolf for the duration of the next level. Blue
Everybody is an Elephant Turns every player into an Elephant for the duration of the next level. Blue
Everybody is an Expert Dancer All players will automatically perform their super dance move when they stand still. Blue
Everybody is an Umbrella Turns every player into an Umbrella for the duration of the next level. Blue
Extra Hang-time on Walls All players can hang onto Sticky Walls longer for the duration of the next level. Green 2
Extra Jump All players gain an extra jump (capped at three jumps). Special
Extra Life Grants 1 extra life to every player after completely losing their Halo. Purple
Extra Time [1s] Adds 1 second to the timer. Green 1
Extra Time [25s] Adds 25 seconds to the timer. Green 1
Extra Time [50s] Adds 50 seconds to the timer. Green 1
Extra Time [300s] Adds 300 seconds to the timer. Clover
Fire-pits are Extra Shiny All Fire-pits have increased Halo size when lit up. Blue
Fire-pits are Ignited All Fire-pits are automatically lit up for the duration of the next level. Green 2
Fruits Earn Karma Hearts Each fruit collected grants every player (including "Lost Soul Bonus") 1 Karma. Special
Fruits Glow in the Dark Fruits are instantly revealed. Green
Get Useless Tips Penalty: Tips unrelated to the game show up at the bottom of the screen. Red/Penalty
Ghosts Can Collect Fruit Dead players and the Sherpa can collect fruit. Purple
Ghosts Can Sing Dead players are given the ability to sing. Purple
Ghosts Carry Key-Items Dead players and the Sherpa can carry crystals, keys and lightbulbs. Purple
Ghosts Reveal Secrets Dead players and the Sherpa can find and reveal secret passages. Blue
Guest Drummer Background music is replaced by a drum solo. Blue
Guest Pianist Background music is replaced by a piano solo. Blue
Guest Saxophonist Background music is replaced by a saxophone solo accompanied by jazz music. Blue
Halos Reveal Secrets Halo can reveal secret passages. Blue
Harmonize Voices All players sing with harmonized and synthesized notes. Blue
High Electro Conductivity Drastically increases possible distance from electric sources without breaking the link. Purple
High Velocity Increases all players' movement speed. Purple
Invisible Timer Penalty: Hides the timer from view. Players will still hear the chimes when the timer reaches the 60-second and 30-second mark and during the final 10-second countdown. Red/Penalty
It's Pizza Time! All fruits are turned into slices of pizza. Blue
Karma Boomerang Each Karma given also earns the player 1 Karma. Blue
Karma Gift-boxes are Juicier Karma Gift grants 20 Karma upon collection instead of 10 (including "Lost Soul Bonus"). Green 2
Karma Kiss is Sticky Sending a Karma Kiss to another player causes them to become sticky which allows them to climb non-climbable walls (similar to Alpaca's ability). Blue
Kazoo Music Penalty: Background music is replaced by a kazoo band. Red/Penalty
Keys Glow in the Dark Keys are instantly revealed. Green 2
Less Time (25s) Penalty: Timer decreased by 25 seconds. Red/Penalty
Less Time (50s) Penalty: Timer decreased by 50 seconds. Red/Penalty
Less Time (100s) Penalty: Timer decreased by 100 seconds. Red/Penalty
Light Bits Shine Brighter Light Bits around the map grant more vision when touched. Green 2
Loud Voices All players gain a farther voice range for the duration of the next level and singing voices are louder. Purple
Moon Jump All players jump much higher and fall slower for the duration of the next level. Special
New Players are Faster Players without a secondary form chosen receive a boost in movement speed for the duration of the next level. Green 2
New Players Jump Higher Players without a secondary form chosen receive a boost in jump height for the duration of the next level. Green 2
New Players Sing Louder Players without a secondary form chosen receive a boost in singing range for the duration of the next level. Green 2
Newcomer Blobs are Boosted Players without a secondary form chosen receive a boost in capabilities for the duration of the next level. Green 2
Next Bonuses are quite Meh All Bonus Cards next round become Green cards. Red/Penalty
Next Bonuses are the Worst All Bonus Cards next round become Grey, providing Penalty effects with no benefit. Red/Penalty
Next Bonuses are very Woah All Bonus Cards next round become Gold/Red split cards. Green 1
Night Vision The entire level is revealed (excluding secrets). Special
No Light Bits Penalty: All light bits are removed during the round. Light bits are small fragments of light that help players see. Red/Penalty
Occasional Sandstorm Penalty: A sandstorm appears at random times, obscuring the level. Red/Penalty
One of you is safe from Naughty Eyes One person in the lobby will not be detected by Naughty Eyes for the duration of the next level. Purple
Overboost One Teammate Increases a random player's movement speed, jump height, Halo size, and sing distance for the duration of the next level. Purple
Quintuple Karma Kiss Karma Kiss shoots out 5 hearts instead of 1. Clover
Random Card Draws a random Bonus Card. Purple
Random Hiccups Penalty: Periodically displays a timer that causes the player to jump. This also works while the player is mid-air after using all jumps. Red/Penalty
Random Pasta Names Changes all player names to random pasta dishes. Purple
Remaining Time = Karma Hearts Grants 1 Karma Heart to all players (including "Lost Soul Bonus") for each second on the timer. Triggers when the portal countdown ends, or when all players enter the portal. Special
Reveal All Secrets All secret passages revealed. Special
Secret Treasure Room Card only appears when a Clover is in the party. The next level is replaced by a Treasure Room level. The next cards are all Gold. Special
Send Love Letters to Your Mates' Sanctuaries Upon returning to the Sanctuary, players will receive a random Love Letter pop-up. Purple
Singing Attracts Fruits Singing at fruits causes them to float towards the player (similar to the Pig's ability). The fruit must be within the player's voice range. Blue
Small Halo Penalty: Each player's Halo size is decreased for the duration of the next level. Red/Penalty
Spikes become Tombstones A 1x1 tombstone appears on every spike block in the level (until broken). Purple
Stronger Tombstones Tombstones take eight hits instead of four hits to break. Green 2
Super Jump All players jump higher for the duration of the next level. Purple
Swap Bodies with Teammates Players forms are randomly swapped with each other. Blue
This Does Nothing. Enjoy. Nothing. Green 1
Tombstones are Bouncy Penalty: Tombstones are transformed into 1x1 jump pads. Red/Penalty
Tombstones are Lucky Tombstones for all players turn into 1x1 slot machine tombstones, identical to the Clover's ability. Blue
Tombstones Shine Tombstones give off light. Green 2
Trapped Tombstones Penalty: Tombstones are transformed into 1x1 trapped floor tiles, revealing a spike after a 1-second delay when a player steps on it. Red/Penalty
Triple Karma Kiss Karma Kiss shoots out 3 hearts instead of 1. Green 2
Unexpected Voices Players' singing voices are sped up for the duration of the next level. Blue
Unlimited Halo Halos do not shrink when players are separated. Special

Deprecated Cards

Text Description Color/Type
Voice Wheels Rotate Longer Voice Wheels remain activated for a longer duration Green 2