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The Library

The Library is a room directly to the left of the main chamber, harboring a collection of statues that cost Karma to unlock. When unlocked, they provide lore and details about the game that were apparently left by previous inhabitants of the Zoo.

Cost Book Text
1 These statues are a collection of thoughts apparently left for us by ancients of this world. Their wisdom is still to be proven. Spend your Karma at your own risks.
10 Eating fruit gets you additional bonuses for your next choice at the end of the level. Each third of the total fruit available in the level gets you an extra card.
50 The Zoo adapts to the bodies on your team. If you are a Spider, there's much bigger chance you'll face Spider levels. Possess all of them to play all the levels.
100 The Cat has a name. It is Pix. Pix the Cat, and he's had a couple of adventures before joining the karma crew.
200 If your team fails in the Loop, each of you gets the Hearts you have earned. If your team feeds the Karma Tree, then the Hearts of everyone are added and given back to everyone.
300 Everyone standing on a button or singing to keep a door open gets the Karma Hearts
500 Some of our hosts have secret interactions, try to water the flowerpot...
600 In this world, everyone is a Blob, and whatever other body you are currently playing, you'll stay a Blob and can always Shapeshift into it when in need.
700 Your Halo needs only one connection to be safe. You don't always have to stay connected to the entire team; you can break into smaller groups.
800 Do no harm but take no nonsense.
900 You start with 5 minutes. If you run out of time, the Sandstorm starts blowing and getting stronger. There is still a little time to escape before it takes you away.
1000 Keys, Crystals, Bulbs... can be caught in mid-air as they are returning to their resting point.
1500 You might find Karma Gift Boxes in the Zoo. If you open one, everyone on your team will be rewarded. We share the love.
2000 If you hold downwards in the air, you will fall faster to the ground. It can be very useful in the Totem for example.
2500 The Crocodile is a lie, so is the Pelican. The Penguin has vanished, and the Tree is pouting. Someone had to say it.
3000 Some believe that true generosity or altruism do not exist, and that everything we do, we do it for ourselves. What do you think?
4000 I hope whoever reads this message has the same luck as I had. It has been quite a ride, and not all teams are as passionate let's say, but I pulled through, and I hope you do too.
5000 There is some useful context and details in the 'More Info' view. They can come in very handy at times.
100 There's more than meets the eye in the Sanctuary, look for secret passages.
100000 Sometimes doing nothing is the right way to go, but it's hard to tell.
7500 Ask yourself what younger you and older you would do, and you'll know what to do.
9000 If you can, remember to be kind, always, you never know what the person you're facing is going through.

Sherpa Room Books

There can only be one Sherpa per Loop. Remember that when you connect to a Lobby.
Sherpas are magical guides flying around. Each has a set of super powers to bring their teams to victory.

Main Sanctuary Room Books

I - Earn Karma hearts in the loop; II - Use them to possess powerful Statues; III - Repeat until you reach freedom
You are a Blob but you can carry an extra body with you in the Loop. Equip it from a statue in here to take it along with you.

The Zookeeper

Main Article: The Zookeeper