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Karma is the main resource and currency in the game that comes in the form of white hearts. It is said to be produced by good deeds and helpful acts, but can also be obtained through other methods.

Uses of Karma

Karma can be used towards various progression goals which include:

Ways to Obtain Karma

Karma Kiss

Sending a Karma Kiss to another player adds one Karma to the player you have given it to without subtracting from your Karma.


Cards such as "10 Karma Hearts", "Karma Boomerang", "Triple Karma Kiss", and more can alter the amount of Karma you are able to send and receive during The Loop.

Karma Gift-boxes

These hidden boxes of Karma can be found in The Loop. These are typically accessed by venturing to hidden places and/or jumping to greater heights, but they can also be found out in the open. Some Karma Gifts require a button press, key, or a certain character with a specific ability in order to gain access.

Lucky Tombstones

Main Article: Clover

Clover's Tombstone has a chance to generate one Karma that applies to the entire team.

Helpful Acts

In the Loop, being helpful to your teammates allows you to earn Karma that is added with the rest of your team's Karma at the end of the Loop. There are many ways one can be helpful to their team or just earn Karma in general. These include:

  • Opening doors for other team members
    • Even if you were not the one who opened the door, simply standing on the button with someone who opened the door before someone passes by can earn you Karma
  • Standing on the Tombstones of others
  • Lighting up Fire-pits as Flame
  • Slapping players as Panda

..and countless other interactions.