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The Sanctuary is the main base where the Zookeeper sends you to after the tutorial. It is where your characters, abilities, and progress are located. Little is known about the origins of the Sanctuary, but some say that if you possess all the statues, you will be able to escape the place (although none have succeeded so far).

Main Area

Karma Tree
Karma Tree

The Portal

Main Articles: The Loop, Totem

In the middle of the Sanctuary lies a portal that allows you to access the game modes. The entrance looks like a grayish doorway with intricate but rusty gold highlights that leads to a sparkly dark portal to which you can enter.


Main Article: Constellations

Karma Tree / KarmaPass Area

Main Articles: Karma Tree Secrets, KarmaPass


Main Articles: Forms, Upgrades

Karma Upgrades Area

Main Article: Upgrades

On the right side of the main area lies the abilities one can unlock using Karma. These are useful abilities that can help you in your loops. Some abilities can range from purely communicative purposes like dancing or emote wheels to mechanically useful like sending Karma to others or survivability time.


Main Article: Lore

A bit to the left of the Main Area is a room that can be unlocked with 1000 Karma. In there, Books lay from row to row containing tips and pieces of fun trivia, and can be unlocked with some spare Karma.

Sherpa Room

Further to the left in the Sanctuary from the Library is the Sherpa Room where the Sherpas can be activated. Sherpas are helpful and powerful guides that help the other players in the Loop that can be unlocked via completing the constellations in the Telescope.


Main Article: Secrets

Sanctuary map

A full map of the Sanctuary with secret passageways
A full map of the Sanctuary. For a full map including secrets, visit the Secrets page.