The Loop

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The Loop is the main mode of KarmaZoo where 2-10 players travel through four different Acts to reach the Karma Tree. This mode features over 200 different handcrafted levels and a lobby room while matchmaking. Between every Act, players can select Cards to provide additional perks for their team, with three extra Card choices based on the number of fruits gathered in the previous Act. Each Act has a 300 second timer (which can be altered by Cards); if this timer runs out, a Sandstorm begins, and players must finish the level before the Sandstorm sweeps them away. Each Act ends with a Portal (or a Pedestal for the final Act). When a Loop is completed, the team's collective Karma is combined and awarded to all players, growing the Karma Tree.


Lobby rooms do not have official names. Names shown here are given by KarmaZoo Wiki community members.

Name (Unofficial) Description # of Fruit Locked Fruit/ Karma Boxes
Voice Blocks Lobby filled with voice blocks 30 N/A
Spikes and Ladders Lobby segmented into three sections, middle section allows climb via spike walls, other two sections use platforms with ladders 30 N/A
Flowerblocks Lobby featuring 6 flower blocks and ceiling spikes 16 N/A
Timed Spikes Lobby featuring 2 squares with spikes and 4 squares with rotating timed spikes 15/25 N/A
Breakable Platforms Lobby featuring lots of stone platforms 30 N/A
Voice Blocks Lobby filled with voice blocks 30 N/A
Fruits above Breakable platforms Lobby featuring fruits in few chambers near ceiling, and breakable platforms required to get to them 30 N/A
Spikes and Weighted Platforms Lobby segmented into left and right area. Left area is filled with spikes, while right one features weighted platforms 15 N/A
Darts and platforms Lobby featuring a short "maze" of platforms with dart spitters 30 N/A
The Eye Lobby shaped like an eye  ??? N/A
Acid Dam Lobby featuring acid pool and acid dispensers, locked behind glass wall 20 N/A
Smiley Lobby with a smiley face made out of platforms 20 N/A
Switching Platforms Lobby with fruit floating in between sets of platforms that move left or right every few seconds. 25 N/A

Act I

Name Description # of Fruit Locked Fruit/ Karma Boxes
A new day Simple level, lots of wall climb blocks (koala) 100
Abandoned cart Level with lots of Springs and Huggable Walls. 50
Between the drops Large vertical glass block pillars, keys and acid drops 60
Breaking free Level about breaking glass brick, filled with arrow trap and spike  ???
Chapter One Simple level with a lot of acid pools. Less fruit variant has fake walls and glass. 30/100 Extra Height
Collapsed altar Many interconnected vertical passages separated by doors. Also contains many semisolid crumbling platforms. 40
Dawn Fairly basic level. Almost half the fruit is in a room under the Portal (including one in a hidden area). 65 Extra Jump Height
Discovery 40
Dried up well Spider level. Simple platforming with many spiderwebs. 40
Erosion Level with many crumbling platforms. 65
Escape from the senses 25
Firewalking ritual Short level. lots of blocks that create a Trapped Floor and some automatically moving blocks 40
First Breath Stage featuring a bunch of breakable platforms and doors 35/100 Extra Height/Breaking Blocks
First steps ???
Float away Stage featuring a huge amount of small, moving platforms 40
Flying keys Pig fruit level. Lots of ladders. ???/570
Gallantry required Long hallways filled with doors. Teammates hop from one button to the next to open the way forward. ???/50
Giddy whirl 75
Hand in hand The fruits in this level move in tiny bursts. 80
Here we go again Near the end of the level is a structure resembling a giant skull. 55
Initiation A balanced variety of sticky blocks, keys, and spikes 60/125
Inside the volcano Acid drops and acid pits are spread through the level. 30
Introduction 95
Leaning blocks A fairly long and mostly empty level. There are many large structures made from Walls and Platforms. ???/50
Let's go Fairly standard beginning level. Ends with a sort of “spiral staircase” structure made of ladders. 50
Light listener Crumbling platforms and glass blocks. Designed for elephant. In place of light bits, a cluster of light leads the team through the level. 50
Mystical canyon A platforming level with lots of Doors and Dart Traps. Has a bunch of Voice Wheels in a room towards the end of the level in the shape of an “M”. 50
On the rift Very basic level with some hidden fruit. 70/80
Once upon a time Simple level. Variant with lots of acid drops. 30/60 Extra Height
Opening Basic level with spike and wall jumping 35
Origin Tombstone oriented level, use them to collect fruits. Many corridors with arrow traps that can be disabled with buttons. 80
Peaceful impatience Lots of spike traps; hidden path which circumvents almost all of level in the 45 fruit variant. 45/???
Regrouping Features a lot of Wheels 65 Glass Breaking
Rodent time A level featuring Mouse Wheels and pools of acid. 40
Rugged mountains Height-boosting characters needed. Lots of vertical sections and crumbling blocks 100
Rushing headlong Many horizontal stretches of glass blocks that an Elephant can smash through. ???/45
Shelter of misfortune Level featuring the wheels 30
Spicy friendships A healthy mix of springs, huggable walls, spikes, and fake walls. 50
Spider's den A platforming level with a LOT of spider webs. ???/60
The antique crossing Level featuring lots of breakable glass blocks 60
The forgotten bridge The team is treated to a brief segment where everyone rides a vehicle and enjoy the view on the bridge. Acid pits cover the path beyond. 45
Together Needs a full description. 75 fruit variant has a door at the end that can only be passed with help from a Whale, Flower Pot, or similar Form. 70/75
Together in the dark Simple level with 2 secret passageways and karma gift box at the end requiring key. Has a variant(?) with crystal keys and out-of-reach voice wheels. ???/70
Trampoline workout Large number of spring blocks. Variant with lots of acid. 70/520
Underground galleries Lantern level, lots of potholes and fake spaces that need to be traversed with lantern. One particular high-up fruit and the fruits near the portal become invisible after a short time. 55
Wake up! Level featuring rotating rings of floating platforms. 55
Warm up Simple level 50

Act II

Name Description # of Fruit Locked Fruit/ Karma Boxes
Abyssal presence Spider level with many many webs. 54 Two Karma Boxes; First - Protection; Second - Glass Breaking
Amicable agreement Many quickly moving platforms where you need to press a button to move the platform from one side of a wall to the other. 50
Back to the surface Simple level with lots of elevators up and down 30
Bed of roses Watering cans and echo based levels, filled with plants and spike 30/55 Glass Breaking
Breaking the ice Lots of smaller voice blocks and some larger ones. flower pots. has a section at the end where you need to pick a path to voice break, and fruit is locked behind some of them 55
Build a bridge Level featuring lots of long stretches of Musical Platforms that must be crossed to progress. Also has a vertical section with Flower Blocks. 40
Dark forest Lantern level, horizontal, lots of dark areas. 50
Disorganized garden Watering Can level. Needs a better description. 50
Esnes ekam t’nseod ti Upside down level. Most of the fruit floats up from the bottom in random locations. 50/55
Floral path
Flower power
Flower tower Tall level with many flower blocks. 50 fruit variant also has button-activated lifts. 40/50
Frozen in time Helpful buttons, keys, and other objects are stuck inside breakable voice blocks 70
Gondola Stage with many moving platforms that are controlled by voice wheels along their path. ???/50
Good reception Bouncy platforms that can be moved left and right by singing to voice wheels 70
Harvest in Time Level with an enormous amount of dummy keys blocking colored keys necessary for progression. Camels can drop extra keys by shifting to blob form, watering can is helpful in this level. Suggested to have multiple camels. 65
Homemade ladder Many singing blocks used to create temporary platforms and reach higher areas. The 90 fruit variant features one section with a "homemade ladder" that is suspended over a laser to get to some extra fruit. 65/90
Hot stone Flame + Extra Height stage focused around fire crystals. 30
Ice cave Lots of glass blocks. Seal/Bell/Elephant level. 100
Imposed destiny Large amount of garden blocks and voice blocks ???/75
Into the woods Level requiring character able to create Huggable Walls 54
Little workshop
Mischievous notes Flower blocks that can grow too high or even crush players above if teammates below aren't careful 70
Monsoon forest
More than it seems Many singing wheels that you have to chase after to open doors and grid-like corridors. Fruits spawn in by singing at the wheels after fully opening the doors. 65
One Button To Rule Them All Contains buttons that have to be pushed down for a while to open doors, and have obstacles that push off / kill whatever's on the button periodically. 30
Pillars of judgement 60
Pollen in the air Voice based level with acid trap. Beat the level fast to get all the fruit! 25 Extra Height
Secret fire Pretty simple level with it's main gimmick being torches hidden behind secret walls. Uses some rotating voice wheels. ???/55
Solstice A Bell/Pufferfish level in which many of the platforms switch back and forth between two different positions. 80 Glass Breaking
Spooky sands Multiple singing wheels at once 50
Spring scent Spring level? Lots of bounce pads and rotating platforms. Variant with many fruit hearts. 70/500
Talent show Simple level. ???
The death dance Wheel platform that travels through the whole stage, lots of singing blocks used as platforms and Trapped Floor 40/55
The denial Lots of singing switches to open doors 50
The flames blow the truth Singing based level with lots of voice wheels and note blocks. Torches throughout the level will tell you what voice wheels to trigger. 30
The tree house Three segments about climbing up and unlocking the passage, featuring multiple singing blocks ???/75 Wheel
Underachievers Spike trap in lines platforming 80/100 Mouse Wheel (80 fruit variant)
Vertigo Lots of ladders, pretty simple level. Variant with more keys and a door blocking the Karma Gift Box. ???/65 Extra Height
Watch your step ???/80
Wheel of change Platforms that move in circular loops, with some being controlled by voice wheels 70
Wheels of powers Level with many musical platforms and dart eyes with a 5 blue key locked door leading to the portal. ???/80
Whistle among the daisies


Name Description # of Fruit Locked Fruit/ Karma Boxes
All eyes on you Neutral level with lots of Naughty Eyes with 2 big bunches of fruit locked behind 2 keylocks at portal area. 80
An eye for an eye Tight corridors with naughty eyes, weighted platforms verticle shaft with a maze  ???
Bouncy wheels Very large level filled with Springs and Dart Traps. Also contains several Voice wheels and Mouse Wheels. 40
Bungee jumping Requires Spider and Flame to pick crystals from over hazards. 90
Chamber of Light Electricity level which needs a better description. End platform is revealed by getting all the lightbulbs and going beneath the stage. 30
Darker crystal Level focused on acid crystals. 30 Extra Height
Electric Juices Lightbulbs, Spiderwebs, Some fruits accessible after lighting a bulb, Naughty eye laser near the end. Karma Gift box above portal to be activated by lightbulb.  ???
Electro Madness Crystals + Electricity, Karma box requires getting acid crystal over eletric. Lighting the torch before the final gate makes the Karma box impossible to collect, the karma box route is more easily achievable with less players than the intended route. 50
Elevator Mirador Very short level with a large elevator and naughty eyes ???/50 High Speed or Protection
Eyes climber Naughty Eyes peek as the team climbs up, down, and across the level. A larger variant of the level can appear for larger teams. 35/50
Falling apart Many breakable platforms and blocks, including floating ones that move by singing to voice wheels
Gear factory Level containing a sequence of switches that move platforms, and dummy switches that do nothing. Many glass blocks the require Seal.  ???
Hidden sanctuary Seashell level with movement-based naughty eyes and some rotating platforms used with the Seashell to make moving lifts. 45
Howl like the roses Wolf level. 110
Hurt me plenty Spike climbing and red-light-green-light eyes. Also contains Mouse Wheels and alternating platforms. Karma box is located in a hidden area above the first room. 25/???
Keep Out Music wheel and music platforming while naughty eye countdown 20
Key mill Level with lots of keys and naughty eyes. Karma Gift box activated with crystal lock in area near portal 20/??? Wheel and Glass Breaking
Lolling away An unusually messy level. Its biggest danger is a spike-trapped stairwell guarded by a high-speed Naughty Eye. 500
Magma shrine Count down magma blocks, large vertical room with scattered magma block countdowns, mouse required, triple key door 80
Mechanical gripper Pretty precise parkour with holes in the walls, and platforms moving while players hang on ladders ???/125
Mischievous gear Voice wheels float or move out of reach 50
Mission to Mars Contains moving platforms and dangerous "asteroids" near the start, and lasers that make delivering keys difficult 60
Old rocks Umbrella and fire level. Has lots of acid drops and a door requiring a normal crystal, an acid crystal, and a fire crystal. Mostly vertical level. 165
Olympic flame
Open your eyes
Pillar of friendship Involves many spikes and lots of naughty eyes with individual switches to disable them 5/400
Pinch me I'm dreaming Moving blocks and switches, section where you control a claw machine to grab yourself and grab a blue key 65
Protection Use sing wheel to go further while taking cover from traps. Darts and acid. 90
Pulley System Lots of singing switched and arrow buttons that activate moving platforms. Variant with wheels instead of buttons. 45/50
Rapid Eye Movement Many rotating eyes with most of the radius filled in instead of just a cone, like the ones in Hall of Legends. Some moving platforms controlled by mouse wheels. 65
Remote Control Level about controlling platforms with buttons and breaking glass block 50
Search bar Feature vertical bars of sticky blocks that can be moved left and right with voice wheels. 300
Service elevator Level about manipulating multiple moving climb-walled blocks to get keys that open locked buttons 60 Extra Height
Shield Flower pots, sing wheels, wheel at the very end. requires that you dodge a lot of arrow traps. 40
Sledgehammer Many dart spitters, voice wheels, breakable glass, and hot lava Eyes. 100 fruit variant features maze-like hidden pathways. 100/110
Spin it
Spin it again Many vertical stacks of voice blocks and some horizontal groups of voice platforms
Strange Artifact Uses crystal keys ???
The fallen bridge Level consisting of weight platforming while under naughty eyes countdown, Theres ones unecessary wheel 60
The Future in the Past Sticky blocks whirl around and around 65
The giant scale Level featuring several weight blocks and lots of crumbling platforms. 50
The great heist Watering Can level with many ladders and rotating eyes. ???/70
The vault Features Naughty Eyes and many keys for a Camel to hold. 170
Thorny Issue Huggable Walls level 45
Tunnels of love The walls have large holes that resemble hearts. 30
Under the radar Lightbulb conductivity level. requires you to hide behind cover blocks to hide from naughty eyes to light all the bulbs. 40
Underground temple Huggable Walls + Seal level. 90
Warehouse Level containing several large moving walls and crystal key doors. 65

Act IV

Name Description Locked Karma Boxes
A glimpse in the eye All kinds of Naughty Eye traps block the way forward, and between them are puzzles to climb up voice blocks.
Arrow mine Level about getting to the bottom using weighted platform, and then bringing electricity to the top while avoiding Dart Traps. Variant with a key in the first room.
Big pressure Vertical level that requires teammates to spin music gears to open the ceiling to reach a charged light bulb at the top. Includes a handful of naughty-eyes
Bring the light back circular movable cobweb circle with elevator shaft going up. need to light up all the lightbulbs to open doors containing the lightbulb item that you slot in. mostly vertical
Celestial chorus Filled with voice blocks and even a couple of lightbulbs
Climax Duck/dog stage with many note blocks, laser walls, and eyes.
Cloud dragon Features long series of floating platforms that move in twisting paths. Singing to the voice wheels attached to these "dragons" reverses their directions.
Creative engineering Features many glass blocks that block the way both horizontally and vertically. There is a large spinnable structure covered in glass blocks, buttons, and doors.
Darn dragon Level filled with moving naughty eyes, spider webs and lightbulb (like a train).
Driving School Level about moving a cart with a mouse wheel through a level and removing obstacles along the way. Variant requiring Bell/Pufferfish with many glass blocks and crumbling platforms instead of voice wheels. Extra Height
Ethereal poetry Level based on weight platforming, going down room to room, fetching key and activating music wheel. There's glass brick in the last room.
Filature Level focused on spider webs/lightbulbs rotating around the stage
Ghost parade Requires racing the obstacles around giant rotating conveyor belt - with multiple checkpoints. Wheel
Hall of legends A deep pit where lightbulbs are protected by rotating Naughty Eyes.
Heavy shipment A slow-moving voice wheel is the key to reaching the buttons that open the doors to the Karma Tree, but a variety of tricky obstacles makes reaching the voice wheel difficult
In space Light lightbulbs while controlling platform motion using button or weight platform. (#1) Height or flight, (#2) Flame
Introduction Two separate paths to the right and left. After pressing all four buttons in the first room, a laser pops up to make you go to one of the sides. Later section requiring you to navigate while singing a singing wheel to move the laser.
Last grains of the hourglass Features acid traps and singing in its three obstacles: an elevator operated a high voice wheel, a large acid pit, and a giant room with scattered crystal keys and rows of voice platforms.
Mobile camouflage Singing to voice wheels is needed to progress, and nearby curtains protect from Naughty Eyes
No stars in the sky Lightbulb level heavily focused on Lantern's ability to reveal the path. Some lightbulbs need to be plugged in before use. Variant with more complicated platforming. Hidden “GG” at the end.
No touching A large room with a wheel-controlled platform as well as webs for a Spider. Careful navigation is required to avoid lasers, electrify lightbulbs, and collect lightbulbs and keys. Extended Singing Range
Push your Limits Level about moving platforms with red light green light naughty eyes using voice wheels
Ride or die Horizontal wheel car with lightbulb puzzle. requires you to collect a regular, blue, and pink key to open the end door.
Sky Guardians Labyrinth + electricity; Large semi-open area with multiple naughty-eyes snakes Wheel or Extra Height
Southern constellation Green-Light Red-Light Naughty Eyes throughout the level, and rotating spider-web platforms are used to reach Lightbulbs
The center of the earth Level about controlling the cart to get to the Karma Tree. Makes use of vertical walls that need to be unlocked. Features Acid crystal locks.
The Last Journey Requires manipulating a moving platform across two dimensions to plug in and charge light-bulbs on the floor/ceiling/ladders. Has a variant that needs verification.
The last trail Requires mouse. straight horizontal corridor over a laser with a mouse cart going all the way through. you need to connect electric currents to lightbubls to unlock a set of 3 keys
The lighthouse An elevator lets the team travel up and down to plug in and charge lightbulbs.
The Moon castle A level filled with many crystal-keys for a Camel to collect. Blue, green, and red crystal-locks block the exit.
The Odyssey Level about pushing buttons scattered around the map to activate a series of doors to the end of the loop. Torches and cobwebs throughout the map. Karma Gift Box near end of loop below a door before end of loop.
The walls have eyes Koala level with several types of naughy eyes
Time to say goodbye After teammates help each other push four high buttons simultaneously, a laser separates them. The groups are tasked with scaling a high tower, with different obstacles between the left and right halves.
To the Karma Tree Level focused on balancing weighted blocks and destroyable singing blocks to progress the stage
Truth is up there Requires manipulating a moving platform across two dimensions, breaking glass blocks, and breaking music blocks to charge light-bulbs. Very high difficulty
Up there Short level, requires lighting Lightbulbs, ends with a large room with movable spiderweb platform that can be used to light Lightbulbs on either side. Variants exists with falling acid drops. Has a third variant that needs verification.

Secret Treasure Rooms

Name Description # of Fruit Locked Fruit/ Karma Boxes
Chest cross Dart Spitters on sides, navigate using tombstones 300 Extra Height
Firm grip Sticky blocks are placed up high where teammates can jump up and cross gaps 70
Greedy Keys surround the portal, and a large pit holds treasure, webs, and traps 200
Sticky cocoon A large, deep chasm level with most of the keys in a circle around the exit portal at the top. Karma gift box is in a hidden room on the side opposite the entrance. 400
The privilege of learning Level involving a giant moving cart with chests and key hunt ???/300
Treasure - Passage Possibly small lobbies only. Has many moving platforms that will move into position when you draw near. 100 Three chests at the end, of which only one has fruits.
Treasure gym Structures and obstacles that move back and forth allow the team to reach keys and treasure chests  ???
Treasure trove A large room with scattered keys, chests, bouncy blocks, and spikes  ???

To be verified / Unsorted

A new path
Amazing maze
Ancient Forge
Apple of my eye
Austere fortress
Automated factory
Behind the gates
Cave explorers
Citadel of gold
Cold storage
Disorganized garden
Don't look at me
Dust storm
Earthquake area
Electrical puzzle
End of time
Exotic garden
Groovy grove
Heavy machinery
Hermit shack
In the shadows
Joy in the wilderness
Jump into the adventure
Liana unlimited
Lily of the valley
Little twig in the wind
Monsoon forest
Musicotherapy for plants
Open your eyes
Pipe network
Push that button
Race start
Remains of the days
Rise and shine
Roller Chains
Running in the grass
Rusty lift
Sand dunes
Sequoia grove
Shipping in sand
Spin it
Spiritual retreat
Spooky mansion
Star's treasure
Stone circles
The depopulated ravine
The end of the world
The entire world is a cactus
The Eternal Starting Over
The final wisdom
The gearbox
The green barn
The green thumb
The journey
The legend of Zenith
The voice of the leaves
The Waterwheel
The windmill
This tomb will be your tomb
Tunnel entrance
Turning a blind eye
Uncanny valley
Under the sirocco
Watching the stars
Work In progress