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Upgrades alter the status of your player character permanently and apply to all Loop mode games. On the bottom-right corner of the Sanctuary, one can find a hall of upgrades available for purchasing with Karma. Additionally, upgrade statues hidden in secret passageways can be found scattered throughout the Sanctuary.

Image Cost Name Description(s) Location
Upgrade Karma Kiss Unlocked.png
8 Karma Kiss Locked: Unlock this magical bow to send extra Karma Hearts to your mates. After use, the bow needs some time to recharge.

Unlocked: HOLD (button prompt) and aim somewhere until the shot is ready and release to send some looooove in the air for others to catch.
Bottom-right corner of the Sanctuary, main hall of Upgrades
Upgrade Dance 1 Unlocked.png
50 Dance Move Locked: Unlock a dance move for everybody.

Unlocked: HOLD (button prompt) to deploy your dance move and make your teammates smile.
Bottom-right corner of the Sanctuary, main hall of Upgrades
Upgrade Dance 2 Unlocked.png
100 Super Move Locked: Unlock the super dance move for everyone.

Unlocked: HOLD (button prompt) to deploy your super dance move and make your teammates jealous.
Bottom-right corner of the Sanctuary, main hall of Upgrades
Upgrade Emote Unlocked.png
100 Emote Wheel Locked: Display a variety of Emotes above your head to communicate with others.

Unlocked: HOLD (button prompt) to display the wheel, pick an Emote by pointing at it, then release to communicate.
Bottom-right corner of the Sanctuary, main hall of Upgrades
Upgrade Survival Time 1 Unlocked.png
100 Survival Time I Locked: Add 2 extra seconds to the time before you vanish while alone.

Unlocked: 2 bonus seconds were added to your survival time.
Bottom-right corner of the Sanctuary, main hall of Upgrades
Upgrade Survival Time 2 Unlocked.png
5000 Survival Time II Locked: Add 2 extra seconds before vanishing when disconnected from others.

Unlocked: 2 bonus seconds were added to your survival time.
Bottom-right corner of the Sanctuary, main hall of Upgrades
Upgrade Emote Unlocked.png
Secret Upgrade
Emote Pack I Additional ways to communicate with your team. Top-right of Sanctuary. See Secrets for guide
Upgrade Emote Unlocked.png
Secret Upgrade
Emote Pack II Additional ways to communicate with your team. Below Sherpa room. See Secrets for guide
Secret Upgrade
Survival Time Locked: Add 1 extra second to the time before you fade away.

Unlocked: 1 extra second was added to your survival time.
Bottom right corner of Sanctuary, through a secret passage. See Secrets for guide
Secret Upgrade
Electric Ghost Locked: You can carry electricity as a ghost and help the team as if you were embodied.

Unlocked: You carry electricity also when in Ghost form.
Below the main Portal in the Sanctuary, through a secret passage. See Secrets for guide