The Zookeeper

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The Zookeeper is the owner of the Sanctuary where all Forms are held. Their voice provides narration for events happening within the game, and progression milestones for your character. The Zookeeper’s motivations are revealed gradually as a selfish endeavor to hoard all the Karma to themselves.

Story progression

New story dialogue is revealed each time the player enlightens a star by completing missions. These voice lines are as follows:

Appears after X enlightened stars Voice line
??? Hello again. If I remember correctly, I asked you not to mingle with the Stars. Please stop. Thank you.
??? You would be wise to listen to me and stop playing with my stuff. This broken telescope is mine, I'm fixing it and you should stay away.
??? You think you're smart getting these stars to shine, but there will be consequences to your actions. Quit it before it's too late.
??? How many times must I say: DON'T TOUCH MY STARS. It took me ages to collect them, so leave them alone.
??? Stop it now! Don't make them shine again! I struggled so hard to contain them. Stop messing up with my stars!
??? Those who are messing with my Telescope think they know better. They always do. But they don't understand.
??? Stop completing these missions. You're helping these lost souls make me weak. It's not what you think, so please stop.
??? Yes, I got tired of collecting Karma for everyone all the time. So I built this place to make others collect Karma for me. It's only fair I believe.
??? I only trick people to work for me, that's all. What's the big deal if everybody's having a good time?
??? The truth is I'm giving you a chance to share some love in this place. You should thank me instead of hurting me.
??? Whatever you believe. There is no escape from this Zoo. It was a lie from the beginning.
??? With every Star shining again, I lose more of my powers. Do you understand what will happen if you continue?
??? Completing missions won't end this place. It will just get rid of me. Are you sure you want this?
??? Ok. Ok. I promise. I won't lock up free spirits anymore in my Zoo. I won't trick any Blob into farming Karma Hearts for me anymore. I promise. Now stop.
47 All systems are complete and all Sherpas are free. But this isn't over yet. There are still an infinity of others like you for me to trick into farming hearts for me...
47 You can enjoy your victory. But it is only temporary. Many more lost souls will come to me and one day, I will be back. I promise.

Introduction to the Sanctuary

Voice line
Hello again little blob. See these Hearts you have collected?
Give them to me and I'll let you possess a Statue. Each of them holds a different body for you to shapeshift in.
Pick one you'd like to unlock and possess it.
Thank you so much. These Hearts will be put to good use. Trust me.
If you wonder what this is, it's an old broken telescope. It's not working well and if you ask me, there's no reason for you to go there.

Interacting with the Telescope

Voice line
See, I told you it was broken, nothing really makes sense in here.
These markings are old jokes and traps. They were written in the Sky by lost souls.
Doing what is written only causes harm. To the body in the statue, to you, to me, to everyone. So please stay away until it is fixed.
Just keep looping and collecting that sweet sweet Karma.
Possess more statues, that's what matters Now... see you in the Loop!

Resisting the Zookeeper

If the player decides to ignore the Zookeeper's instruction to possess a statue, additional voice lines can be triggered:

Voice line
You're back with more... I salute your success! Now possess a statue and give them to me.
Still haven't found a suitable body to complete your blob? I doubt that... Now go and possess a Statue.
Your hearts are made to be shared... With me. So please possess a statue now. I beg you.
I am starting to lose hope in you little blob. Why aren't you possessing a statue so we can get this over with?
Are you mocking me blob? I don't understand your choices blob. You should possess a statue.
What kind of a blob are you anyway? The annoying kind? I'm just asking. Now possess a statue!
If you possess a statue now, you'll be rewarded with a new body to start loops with. Just do it, now!
You might be the most annoying blob ever to cross my portal. You must give me Hearts if you wish to continue. Understood?
I abandon. You win. I'll be out of your way until you come to your senses.

After a Successful Loop

Voice line
Very Wow. Much Bravo.
Flabbergasting victory!
Teamplay forever!
Such talent is quite rare...
There is no stopping you it seems!
You absolutely smashed it!
You did it! I knew you could.
Congrats! You totally deserve it.
Nothing can stop you anymore.
Way to go! More Karma for me!
Your success means a lot to me.
You must be really proud of yourself.
That's the right way to do it!
You're getting better every day!

After an Unsuccessful Loop

Voice line
Don't give up. Stay strong.
Loop winners fail until they succeed.
You might want to revise your strategy next time.
I need more Karma Hearts. I count on you.
Where are my Hearts? Get some for me!
Better luck next time...
United, you weren’t! United, you should’ve been...