Useless Tips

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Useless Tips are a minor mechanic available through the Cards system. When a group selects the Get Useless Tips Card, tips unrelated to the game show up at the bottom of the screen for the entirety of the next stage.

List of Useless Tips
Don't put hot meals in your fridge. It doesn't make any sense.
Don't forget to hydrate regularly. Especially when in you are in the swimming pool.
Use the jump key to jump.
Consult your pharmacist if you have any doubts about your mushroom findings.
It takes 6 minutes of boiling to get a soft-boiled egg. Anyone saying 17 to 19 minutes is clearly out of their minds.
Use North as a reference point when consulting a map.
Don't mess with bears, anacondas or orcas, the rest is acceptable.
Don't give bread to birds or feed wild animals in general.
Remember to take an extra pair of socks on your next hike.
If you get water in your ears, look into a mirror for 7 minutes and see if it goes away.
One of these days remember to empty your mailbox.
Tips are sometimes useful. But no one needs to know.
Don't forget to rinse your sponge after use.
Practice your vocals before you start singing in the shower.
In general, multiplication must be solved before addition.
In some games there is a photo mode, it's really cool, but there is none in this one.
Flamingos can only eat when their head is upside down.
Put on a swim cap to be more aerodynamic.
Beware, clapping your hands does not work well in certain contexts.
A katana is not very practical to cut a pizza.
Don't say karmazoo, say KARMAZOOOOOOOO!
If you see a giraffe's head through your window, you are probably in an apartment.
Please do not break your spaghetti in half, nor your tortellini, nor anything rhymes with linguini.
Do not inhale the compote, it makes you cough.
We do not say Quiche Lorraine, but bel et bien Ouiche Lorraine.
Avoid blinking in front of certain statues.
200 light-years from Earth is a planet names Kepler-16b, and it is orbiting two Stars. Yes, the sun sets twice a day there.
Please mind the gap between the train and the platform.
Keep hands off the doors, you could get hurt!
Cutting tennis ball in half lets you store 2 more balls, saving space.
Keep your cakes moist by eating them all in one sitting.
Tired of boiling water every time you make pasta? Boil a few gallons at the beginning of the week and freeze it for later.
Smile today, tomorrow could be worse.
Tips are only useful to those who believe in them.
34% of spiders are left-legged, times 4 legs = 136% of spiders are left-legged.
A thought for all the unseen smiles, all the forgotten declarations, all the unsaid compliments that were lost in thin air.
My cousin is really cool. He's always making me laugh and being silly.
Ants do not have ears. They cannot hear you scream.
Hey, did you call me? Do you need something? Just shout at your screen and I'll come over. Ok?
This is a friendly reminder for you to be reminded to tell your friends about the game, yes this game.
I'm ignoring you right now. I'm not even talking to you. Leave me alone please.
Never miss a chance to keep your mouth shut, sealed for eternity, until you have to sneeze, obviously.
The plank is the best exercise to feel weak and useless.
Is it me or did you forget to do what you had to do?
If you are bored, read the instructions for your printer.