Love Letters

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Love Letters are a minor mechanic available through the Cards system. When a group selects the Send Love Letters to Your Mates' Sanctuaries Card, every member of the team will receive a random love letter upon returning to the Sanctuary.

List of Love Letters
Hey, thanks for being with us today, it really meant a lot. Hopefully we can be together more often. We love you.
You are a rockstar, not because of what you did in the game, but in general, as a person, you rock.
What a joy to share this game with you. It would have been better if the game had lasted longer thought...
Above everything, we love you like there's no tomorrow, you're wonderful in your own way.
There something special about you. An indescribable something that keeps you on our minds, in our hearts. Thank you.
You should be president or something! No seriously, I'd most definitely vote for you. You should run.
We don't really know how to tell you, but we'd like to make you an honorary member of the too cool for school club.
We hereby present you with the greatest distinction in the ZooCode of Kudos... the Golden Noodle. Congrats.
You are so cool it is unbearable. Why not just give lessons or talks at that point. Please keep it up.
We always knew you'd become the person you are today, and that you'll become even better tomorrow. Love you.
You are such an illumination machine; you shine so bright it makes the world a better place. We need more like you!
No one ever thought one could be as unbelievably awesome as you are. It is utterly mind boggling.
There are so many cool people who love you that you haven't even met yet. You are in for a ride.
It is because of people like you that most of still have faith in humanity. You set an example for the rest of us.
Never forget that if you are as disgustingly cool as you are, it is probably genetic, so you should thank your parents.
Did anyone ever tell you how much you bring to the table, without even noticing it? Just your presence is enough.
We need to tell you that if we could, we'd always be with you to enjoy your jokes, even the terrible ones.
Why hasn't anyone cloned you already so more people around the world can enjoy your charms?
Sometimes we talk about how when you are around and we play together, everything is much better. Thanks.
No matter what you do do or what you don't do, doing these dos and don'ts with you is all that matters.
You have set the bar of awesomeness so high that it will take a rocket to reach your level.
We are touching the ground while you are touching the skies. What a joy it is to even share a game with you.
A soaring eagle has nothing on you, because you are high in the sky, reaching for the stars. We love you.
Your ancestors would be very proud of you, for reasons you wouldn't even imagine. What a long ride it has been.
Can anyone tell this human how implausibly cool they are. It is beyond human understanding.
When in doubt, remember this message. We love you and you deserve the best life has to offer.
We have loved you from the first moment we have laid eyes on you. And it is not about to stop anytime soon.
Could we please have a round of applause for you. One of the coolest human beings that has ridden the face of the earth.
You are delightful and it's a blast even being able to spend some time with you in the zoo.
You are as precious as a bottle of water in the middle of the desert. Thanks for drenching our thirst.
A Love Letter, as seen in the game