Code of Conduct

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Last updated: 10 February 2023

KarmaZoo is a game about good interactions and supportiveness between all players, both friends and strangers alike. Pastagames and our partners at Devolver Digital are committed to providing all players of KarmaZoo with the best experience possible, so with this in mind we have set a few simple expectations to ensure everyone's experience is safe and welcoming.

These expectations apply to all players of KarmaZoo, whether within the game itself or interacting with related services and community environments. This Code of Conduct is part of our KarmaZoo Terms of Service and they should both be read together. This Code of Conduct and the Terms of Service may be updated from time to time so please check in on them occasionally.



  • Be awesome to each other! Put your best foot forward and help those who need it. Helping out the new person to find their way, or ensuring the team works cohesively is the surest way to success in the Loop (and in life!)
  • Be respectful! This game is for everyone regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality, creed or disability. Treat everyone with care and respect, as you would expect to receive yourself. We welcome and encourage diversity in all our spaces, so we will not accept any form of marginalization, hateful language, ableist language, bullying or discrimination.


  • Engage in toxic behavior. This takes many forms, a few non-exhaustive examples being:
    • Bullying, punishing or trolling players for any reason, e.g. griefing behaviors ingame attempting to cause either a team or specific players to fail.
    • Frequently leaving matches you were capable of completing in an attempt to 'beat' the system, e.g. attempting to get a team with less new players.
    • Spamming emotes or other attention grabbing behavior that does not assist with gameplay or fostering communication and community.
  • Cheat, hack or exploit the game - this includes promotion of any known cheats, bugs or exploits, nor should you modify or adapt KarmaZoo or hack, merge, translate, creative derivatives from it, mimic, disable KarmaZoo or tamper with it.
  • Share, rent, resell, or make available copies of KarmaZoo (or any 'hacked' versions) or otherwise use KarmaZoo commercially in any way except as expressly permitted by law (such as under 'fair dealing' or 'fair use' laws).
  • Make public or commercial use, by any means, of KarmaZoo, products or services without our prior written consent.
  • Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for any underlying software or other intellectual property used to provide KarmaZoo.
  • Where applicable, share any password or security information you use to access KarmaZoo with any other person.
  • Delete, obscure, remove or otherwise prevent the proper display of intellectual property (including without limitation copyright and trade mark notices or other legal lines or credits) notices in KarmaZoo.
  • Do anything (or attempt to do anything) which might disrupt use of KarmaZoo by us or other users, or which could threaten, harass or upset other users of KarmaZoo or website community.
  • Make anything available on or through KarmaZoo that violates the rights of third parties (including without limitation their intellectual property or privacy rights).


We take any breaches of our Code of Conduct very seriously! Should you encounter anyone who has gone against the expectations listed above or who has otherwise gone against the spirit of KarmaZoo, please report them by contacting us via [email protected].

  • There is a report function in-game, as well as a block function that will ensure the player reported is not able to be randomly matched with you again for a period of 7 days. There is also a kick function to remove someone from a team under group consensus should a player be generally disruptive to gameplay.
  • For other community spaces, there are report functions you can use to let those in charge know if there are problematic behaviours occurring, as well as Community Managers in many of these spaces. We will investigate reports, which can lead to sanctions against players in the form of:
    • Restricted server access in matchmaking modes
    • Suspensions or bans from the game.
  • False reporting is also a form of griefing. Should we find during our investigation that a player is reporting others in an attempt to restrict their access unwantedly, the reporter themselves may be subject to sanctions.


While there is no in-game chat, either written or voice, we do still want to caution all players to be security conscious with their communications when engaging with the KarmaZoo community. Should someone you do not recognize unpromptedly request any personal information from you like your real name, home address, email address, phone number, or passwords, while claiming this is in relation to KarmaZoo, please do not share this information with them and instead reach out to one of our Community Managers to check the legitimacy of the request.

If you have any questions about this Code of Conduct please get in touch with us via [email protected].