Hidden Numbers

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Hidden among all of the levels in KarmaZoo, there are a set of six hidden numbers that, when combined, form a Secret Code. This Secret code can be used as a lobby code, which will then grow the Karma Tree in the Sanctuary (see Secrets for a list of all other Secret Codes). Each number is accompanied by the presence of one to six empty tiles, which designates the ordering of that number in the Secret Code. Each level that contains a Hidden Number also contains a hidden question mark ("?") to indicate the presence of one of these numbers.

The combined Secret Code is 132435, and was discovered by the community by playing the following levels:

Number Location Image
(with one dot)
Found in the level "One Button To Rule Them All" in the ground below the side-to-side moving wall of blocks (in the room after the Karma Gift-Box.)
(with two dots)
Location has not yet been found. This number was arrived at through brute-forcing the lobby code.
(with three dots)
Found in the level "First Steps" below the exit Portal.
(with four dots)
Found in the level "Treasure - Passage" (Treasure Room level only accessible with Clover). The number 4 appears as hovering Light Bits.
(with five dots)
Found in the bottom-right corner of an unnamed lobby (see photo).
(with six dots)
Found the Totem level named "Boat," in the Eat minigame category. The number 5 appears as hovering fruits.