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Tiger is one of the Sherpas. It is a direct upgrade to the Ghost and serves as a supportive character to the team. Unlike Ghost, it can be unlocked and equipped during The Loop. It is unavailable in the Totem mode. Unlocking Tiger Sherpa is a time-consuming goal, as it requires unlocking and completing all Tiger Constellation missions.


As Sherpas are an alternative version of Ghost, they can't activate buttons, sing, collect fruits or Karma Gift-boxes. Unlike Ghost, a Sherpa loses its ability to Karma Kiss, replacing it with fireworks which can be used to point out specific objects in the level, like secret passageways.

Button In-game Text Description Description Cooldown
Jump Button Give your team boosting pep talk. Displays an emote wheel for the Tiger player to choose from. No additional effects on players has been observed. 5 seconds
(can be held for up to 5 seconds)
Sing Button Bite a danger in your jaws. Can target specific hazards in the level to disable them. This ability has been observed to work on all types of Naughty Eyes, Darts, and Acid. Does not seem to have any effect on Lasers, Spikes, or Trapped Tombstones 10 seconds
Ability Button Make a teammate dance to receive a boost. Causes targetted player to start dancing (this dancing can be cancelled by the player by jumping). The player's singing range and speed are boosted for a short time 10 seconds