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The KarmaZoo tutorial is a simple stage that explains to players the basics of in-game movement and introduces the Halo mechanic. Every player launching the game for the first time loads into this tutorial. As KarmaZoo requires cooperation to keep the Halo active, and there won't be enough players in the tutorial at all times, a special NPC Ro-bot is available as a stand-in during the tutorial.

Part 1

The Zookeeper narrates and guides a new player as they turn from a Ghost into a Blob. The Blob then falls into a brightly-lit stage that introduces various mechanics, such as moving, jumping, singing, death, tombstones, voice wheels, and keys for locked doors.

Part 2

This part of the tutorial introduces the Halo and Ro-bot. If present, Ro-bot directs and encourages the player throughout the stage. Various obstacles here require cooperation, such as doors locked by buttons, voice platforms, and a weight block.


The Zookeeper directs a new player to their first upgrade, the Karma Kiss. Upon entering the Loop and returning to the Sanctuary, the Zookeeper also directs the player to possess a statue and obtain their first new form.