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Vision is a feature of the Loop that allows players to view their environment.


Darkness covers every level of the Loop. Players have various ways to brighten their surroundings as they advance toward a level’s goal.

Sources of Vision


A player’s halo is their most fundamental source of light. It clearly displays objects and walls next to the player. Anything illuminated by a halo is shown to teammates, and it will be obscured again when the player moves away from it.

Light bits are another source of vision. They shine in place when activated, helping players understand their surroundings and backtrack through areas. A player can collect light bits by touching them with their halo. Reaching large rooms or interacting with door mechanisms can also activate light bits.


Certain forms can use their abilities to emit light. Unlike halos and light bits, these abilities can expose fake walls to reveal secret passages. In addition, illuminated collectibles and mechanisms will stay revealed.

Each Portal has its own persistent halo that reveals the Portal and nearby features. Ignited fire-pits also have halos.

Compared to standard forms, a Sherpa can see a bigger area with their halo. However, this halo’s light is dimmer compared to that of an ordinary halo.

The white shine of certain visual effects can show secret passages. The simplest and most useful example is the pillar of light that appears while consulting Info. Another example is the flash from electrifying a light bulb.

Some bonuses help reveal parts of a level. Other bonuses affect vision indirectly by adjusting the size of halos.