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This template defines the table "Forms". View table.


Include all arguments that apply (arguments not mentioned will generally not appear)

| name = Blob
| sprite = Blob_Sprite.png
| statue_locked = Blob_Statue_Locked.png
| locked_statue_desc = None
| statue_unlocked = Blob_Statue_Unlocked.png
| unlocked_statue_desc = None
| dance_1 = Blob_Dance_1.gif
| dance_2 = Blob_Dance_2.gif
| ability = Nothing
| constellation = Panda
| missions = Collect 10 fruit;Open 2 doors
| size = 1
| cost = 0

If the name you want to put in the infobox is not at BASEPAGENAME you can include the following arguments:

| name = 

The template will then use that name as well as the image at File:name_Icon.png instead if this argument is given. This applies to all image arguments (sprite, statue_locked, statue_unlocked, dance_1, dance_2).

If the sprite you want to put in the infobox is not at File:BASEPAGENAME_Sprite.png or File:name_Sprite.png you can include the following argument:

| sprite = 

The template will then use the image at File:sprite.png instead if this argument is given. This applies to all image arguments (sprite, statue_locked, statue_unlocked, dance_1, dance_2).

The size argument corresponds to the following values 1=Small (1x1), 2=Medium (2x2) and 3=Large (3x3). The cost will automatically add the currency icon. The constellation will automatically add the link to the corresponding constellation.

If you want to add missions, each mission needs to be delimited by a ';'.

| missions = First mission;Second mission


Markup Renders as
| name = Blob
| sprite = Blob_Sprite.png
| statue_locked = Blob_Statue_Locked.png
| locked_statue_desc = None
| statue_unlocked = Blob_Statue_Unlocked.png
| unlocked_statue_desc = None
| dance_1 = Blob_Dance_1.gif
| dance_2 = Blob_Dance_2.gif
| ability = Nothing
| constellation = Panda
| missions = Collect 10 fruit;Open 2 doors
| size = 1
| cost = 0